Publishing Scheduler
You can now have the freedom to schedule press releases and have the system publish them automatically. Gone are the days when you need to stay late to publish your press release.

Media Database
We will help you reach the right journalists and the right media outlet and spread your message to your target audience all over the world. We give you access to our very own database, which has contacts for thousands of journalists and media outlets from all over the globe.

Fast and Secure Publishing
After writing your press release and creating all your content, our smart publishing system will give you the ability to send your press releases to the desks of your preferred media outlet.

Track Your News
Send a press release and track the activities done on the publication. You can monitor the status of your release, the journalists who received it, the ones who opened it, and the ones who downloaded the documents.

Set Your KPIs
Track your own performance media performance and set your publishing KPIs based on real data. You will have access to a report-generating engine that allows you to monitor your media publishing performance over the different sectors.